Lifeline PCS

Call for an appointment: 480-641-1165


Lifeline PCS with locations in Scottsdale and Chandler is a team of qualified professionals led by Dr.Roxanne DalPos. The professionals have various licenses, educational experiences, and certifications that qualify them to provide a wide range of services. These services include general counseling and therapy for daily life situations, couples issues, and family problems as well as legal problems such as court required anger management, domestic violence and DUI services to family court services including parenting skills training, supervised visitation, and court ordered counseling for any/all family individuals.


Dr. DalPos is a psychotherapist licensed in AZ and nationally certified. She attained her Doctorate In Psychology at Walden University and her Master of Counseling degree at the University of Phoenix. In addition, she has post graduate training in professional addiction counseling. Roxanne serves as adjunt faculty at a local university in the Professional Counseling Dept.


Jerry Brown is the Special Programs Director. Jerry began his human services experience developing a Suicide Prevention Hotline. His desire to serve the community spread to minority career development including creating avenues and career skills to help minorities attain job. Jerry has added to his repertoire ongoing education in addictions, , anger management, domestic violence, and relationships. He is certified in the Gottman Method of work with couples. With his years of extensive work facilitating learning groups, he helps new counselors develop group processing skills as well as serves as the facilitator many times.


Kristopher Schlepp is primarily based in Scottsdale. His focus is multi-faceted working with depression, anxiety, mood regulation, anger management, and substance abuse. He has experience with court cases, and case coordination with attorney's, probation officers, and case managers. Kris uses very sound programs that are solution focused and centered on each person as an individual.


Jill Volker is our go to therapist for adolescents and teens. She has experience working with children who have school problems as well as home problems. She is very strong in her abilities to work with difficult behaviors and emotional dysregulation. She has training and experience in play therapy, and sand tray therapy for children and teens, as well all the various methods of treatment for eating disorders. She has worked with court cases both family court as well as juvenile court. She also is very strong in the area of trauma work for teens and adults including trauma to self through self mutilation (cutting, pulling hair out, burning self).


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8-12 Week individual and joint sessions based on the Gottman Method. This program helps couples reconnect through learning how to truly hear what the other wants and needs and resolving the history through honest communication. You will learn how to use communication in healthy ways and how to take the resentments out of the process of moving forward to a more fulfilling relationship.
ADHD does continue into adulthood. Job stability, relationships, and continued education can be jeopardized because of the impulsivity and negative moods that often accompany ADHD. Adults have unique needs and our coaching program helps create new ways of processing and responding to the world that use your ADHD as strength.
Many things can create challenges in a family system. This can range from divorce and death to substance abuse and other mental health issues. Our program helps all the family members learn how to be involved in the growth of each member. We have available groups and individual counseling to handle specific issues and as a family we work on acceptance and commitment therapy techniques to help make the family strong.
Mood challenges can range from mild depression to serious bipolar disorders. Often times those who deal with mood challenges feel misunderstood. The mood can seem to take on a life of it’s own and keep you from doing things you enjoy or prompt you to do things that create chaos and/or negative consequences. Our nonjudgmental approach helps work on ways to use your strengths and successes to move through the moods like a wave rather than a hurricane.
Do you act out sexually despite the negative consequences with health, relationships, or even self-image? We can help you look at the addiction and work with you to resolve what drives you and bring you to balance.
The feeling of betrayal when you are a partner of a sex addict is strong. We help you learn that you are not to blame. We provide a safe place to deal with the flood of complex emotions that being in this relationship brings. We know you need support and we are here to help.
We know how tough it is to be young. We know that social issues and social media bring on a lot of feelings and fears. We understand that at this time it seems like the whole life of a teen is being determined but we also know it is not. Most of us when we get past the storm of reaching adulthood know we would not want to go back to being a teen and know that life really doesn’t begin until age 30. We help the teen work through the experience of growing up, developing an identity, plan and hope for the future, and resolve questions about gender identity and relationships. We provide individual and/or group settings.
Most everyone has had events that can be described as traumatic. Sometimes we have the support we need to resolve the trauma but other times they are left unresolved. Trauma can be many things: unexpected/untimely deaths of loved ones, car accidents, serious injuries, significant health change, sexual harassment/abuse/rape, childhood emotion/physical/psychological abuse, domestic violence victim or observer, multiple moves as a child, family break-ups, divorce, and many other life events that maybe alone are manageable but when combined with others becomes too much for our system to handle. We understand that trauma plays havoc on our central nervous system and can cause high levels of anxiety, depressions, problems with relationships, low levels of hope, and some acting out through criminal and/or addictive behaviors. We work with you on your specific needs and use grounded approaches in CBT, Schema, ACT, DBT, and at times EMDR to help process the trauma and move into a fulfilling life.
Several formats are available for addressing substance abuse issues. Substance abuse includes abuse of alcohol, street drugs, and/or prescription drugs. As primary treatment our full IOP program is the recommended approach. For those coming out of residential treatment, our modified IOP and transition to aftercare is generally a good strategy. For those who have sustained sobriety but hit a bump or need a bit help staying the course, we will modify a relapse prevention to suit your needs.

In addition to our information on substance abuse we also work with other addictions. What are other addictions? This can include gambling, food, sex, porn, technology, and love. What do we mean by addiction? A sense that the target of our addiction is necessary to relieve anxiety, stress, depression, or any other disruption to our mood or sense of well being. The target of our addiction becomes more important than, most often, relationships but can interfere with jobs and social activities.

Our other addictions program is comprised of groups and individual/family sessions. During the intense phase you will attend sessions 3 times a week. This will step down as you continue to heal. The primary groups are the DBT group and the Creative Arts group. These two groups help you learn coping skills to manage distress, stay in the moment, ride the wave of your urges, and express yourself in ways that promote new responses

The divorce is over and the paperwork is signed and sealed. But….. parenting styles and wants are in conflict. We work with each parent (separately and/or together) to create agreements and methods of communication to resolve the conflicts and provide mutually safe emotional and physical environments for the child(ren).
Any time something changes we grieve what was. Sometimes the grief is overwhelming such as what happens in death, divorce, ending a relationship, relocation, loss of job, stage of life, and recovery from drugs, alcohol, or other addictions. We recognize the challenges of these events and provide a safe place to feel your feelings and move through the grief and loss to come out at a place of peace and understanding.
Often it is not the person but rather what the person represents that gives us the most amount of distress in love relationships. Attaching to quick or to generally unavailable (unable to meet needs) people is a sign of love addiction along with fighting to hard to hold on or having significant distress at the loss of someone you know you are better of without. Often the response is love avoidance. However, love avoidance can stand-alone and cause a person to not attach to others in a relationship bonding way. Codependency can exist in both. Codependency is not being dependent but rather it is finding your own meaning in life by fixing others, often at the expense of taking care of yourself and many times thinking that if I keep giving the other will eventually give back. We are here to help you break these patterns and create healthy love in your life.
One of the most difficult and yet universal events is aging and is often accompanied by changes in health. Health and well-being can also be impacted at young ages or any age due to serious injury or accident. We are here to help. We honor you and provide you with new ways to see yourself and grow gracefully through what lives brings your way.
Becoming free to identify your own gender & sexual orientation comes with challenges. Relationships with family and friends can become strained. Sometimes there is confusion because there are many options about what gender can be. We will help you sort through and distinguish gender vs sexuality and help you look at how you self identify. We work through the stereotypes of identification and the bias within the community. We will have process time to talk through any issues you need to work through.


Receiving a DUI has consequences. We are a state licensed facility licensed to provide MVD screenings for reinstatement of suspended licenses, court required screenings, education, and therapy, and MVD revocation packages for those whose DUI history caused license revocation.
First and foremost we want to stress that feeling anger is okay!! However, how we react internally and externally to the feeling of anger is generally where we see challenges. Our anger management program is designed to help you gain the skills necessary to deal with your anger in healthy ways. You will also learn how to communicate effectively, improve interpersonal skills, and improve your relationship with yourself.
Domestic Violence (DV) clients often come to us by way of the court. However, this is not the only way. You can also join to change your patterns so you don’t end up in court. Our program for men is the STOP program and our program for women is the Healthy Relationship program. Each of these looks at ways to change the patterns and provide new ways of handling conflict while still getting our real relationship needs met.
We are contracted with the Department of Child Safety to provide counseling services. These can include family evaluations, individual counseling, family counseling, reunification, substance abuse counseling, and various groups. If your case manager is referring you to counseling we can provide those services.
For many legal matters, counseling programs are the order. This approach is designed to help keep you out of jail and at times divert your charge or reduce your charge. The intention is to keep you out of the prison system and away from offending again. We can provide the services the court requests.
Dr. Roxanne DalPos is on the court roster as a therapeutic interventionist. She works with her team to provide the services necessary to resolve the relationships in ways that benefit the child(ren). These cases can be intense and our team is strong. We work with all attorneys involved as well as any others involved and provide information to the court.

Benefits of Group

  • See that you are not alone in your struggles
  • Hear from others through feedback
  • Enhance social skills
  • Practice boundaries and communication
  • Receive encouragement
  • Enjoy acceptance and belong
  • Cost effective

Adolescent DBT Group

This is a comprehensive Dialectical Behavioral Therapy group that encompasses Social Skills, Self Esteem, Anger Management, and lessons on Coping Skills for a wide range of areas. The Group is tailor made for youth currently enrolled at Lifeline Professional Counseling. Session topics can and will be changed to accommodate goals of youth who are seeking treatment. DBT is a thorough evidence based approach that makes available the skills to regulate emotions that cause stress in one or more areas in their lives such as safety, school and family relationships. DBT encompasses Mindfulness, Emotional Regulation, Interpersonal Relationships and Distress Tolerance to help youth let go of judgment of themselves and others, set appropriate boundaries and increase their communication skills.

This group is currently for adolescents, 12-18 Years of age. Monday Evenings 7PM-8PM at the Lifeline Professional Counseling Chandler location.

Teen Empowerment Group

This group is will help teens work with the challenges of being a teen. Social media has changed how relationships form and develop. We work with teens to navigate healthy relationships while maintaining the norms of their peer group. In addition, we talk about bullying and process the emotions of being bullied. We also work through the complications of friendships and dating that are unique, and often painful. We help the teen prepare for being an adult and to learn that what happens as a teen does not mean their life is over but rather to understand that this is a time of rapid change and transition and life doesn’t really even begin until age 30. We help prepare teens for future education and the work world and learn how to let go of entitlement believes and a expand the meaning of the word fair so they can create their own safe world.

Adult DBT Group

Group therapy works well in tandem with individual counseling. It provides individuals a place to not feel alone in their struggles. Although sharing and disclosing is optional, I find even individuals who are reluctant at first, eventually open up as they feel a sense of support, safety, and belonging.

In our Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) groups, individuals learn skills for coping with their emotions and ways to communicate with others more effectively. DBT is a thorough evidence based approach that makes available the skills to regulate emotions that cause stress in one or more areas in their lives such as safety, work, and family relationships. DBT encompasses Mindfulness, Emotional Regulation, Interpersonal Relationships and Distress Tolerance to help let go of judgment of selves and others, set appropriate boundaries and increase communication skills.

The Group is held on Mondays from 6-8pm in Scottsdale or Tuesdays from 6-8pm in Chandler.

Womens Trauma/ Self Growth Group

Group therapy works well in tandem with individual counseling. It provides individuals a place to not feel alone in their struggles. Although sharing and disclosing is optional, I find even individuals who are reluctant at first, eventually open up as they feel a sense of support, safety, and belonging.

In our Women’s Trauma and Self Growth Group, individuals work through issues related to self-esteem, identity, body, and various sources of pain whether recent or lifelong issues. Women’s Process Group is a safe haven, a place where women can retreat to heal, to believe in themselves by doing hands-on projects and kinetic activities, talking about pain, exploring where the beliefs about ourselves come from, and finding new meaning and purpose. Women say they actually look forward to Women’s Process Group.

The Group is held from 6-8pm on Thursdays in Chandler or 6-8pm on Fridays in Scottsdale.

Mental Health Intensive

Mental Health Intensive is for those who are looking for more than a weekly individual session. Generally this program is for those who have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder, significant anxiety, emotional dysregulation (such as with borderline personality) and/or trauma (including PTSD), as well as those with significant health/physical issues.

Mental Health Intensive is tailored around your needs. Generally you will start with 2-3 group sessions and 1-2 individual/family sessions attending 3 times per week. The DBT group is a cornerstone of this process. Along with this your program will incorporate what you need. We can add creative arts or substance abuse or trauma or anger or general processing groups along with your individual and/or family sessions.

As your treatment progresses, you will modify your program frequency and type of sessions based on your individual needs.

Days vary by need and location

Substance Abuse Groups

Several formats are available for addressing substance abuse issues. Substance abuse includes abuse of alcohol, street drugs, and/or prescription drugs. As primary treatment our full IOP program is the recommended approach. For those coming out of residential treatment, our modified IOP and transition to aftercare is generally a good strategy. For those who have sustained sobriety but hit a bump or need a bit help staying the course, we will modify a relapse prevention to suit your needs.


IOP is intensive outpatient treatment. Our full program and modified program have several common pieces. The primary difference is in the modified plan; you will transition to aftercare in less time. The primary program consists of 3 groups and 1 individual session weekly for 8 weeks, 2 groups and one individual session for 8 weeks and then a tailored aftercare program. The modified plan consists of 3 groups and 1 individual session for 4 weeks, 2 groups and one individual session for 2 weeks and then a tailored aftercare program. The primary group is the Matrix program/Relapse Prevention group and the DBT group and then you will select other groups as appropriate for you. This can include trauma work, anger work, communication work, grief work, and/or family work.

Monday & Tuesday are the primary group days in Chandler and Monday and Thursday are the primary group days in Scottsdale. Other group varies based on your need.


The Matrix and Relapse Prevention programs are where you learn coping skills, learn to deal with cravings and urges, and learn to accept the here and now. Using educational materials, videos, and art therapy, we are able to maintain a sober lifestyle and learn to live as a person in long-term recovery. The benefit of going through the recovery process in a group is that other group members share common experiences, which makes you feel that you are not alone in your journey to long-term recovery. You will have sessions 3 times per week.


Aftercare is what happens when you have been able to stay clean and sober for a sustained period of time. Your aftercare program will be tailored to your needs. This can include a group, and/or individual and/or family sessions 1-2 times a week.

General Substance Abuse

Sometimes you just want to get it before it gets out of control. Also, you may have run into situations with courts or other government entities that want you to get help. In our once a week substance abuse group you will learn coping skills, learn to deal with cravings and urges, and learn to accept the here and now. Using educational materials and videos, we are able to maintain a sober lifestyle and learn to live as a person in long-term recovery. The benefit of going through the recovery process in a group is that other group members share common experiences, which makes you feel that you are not alone in your journey.

This group meets on Monday evening in Chandler or Thursday evening in Scottsdale.

Other Addictions

What are other addictions? This can include gambling, food, sex, porn, technology, and love. What do we mean by addiction? A sense that the target of our addiction is necessary to relieve anxiety, stress, depression, or any other disruption to our mood or sense of well being. The target of our addiction becomes more important than, most often, relationships but can interfere with jobs and social activities.

Our other addictions program is comprised of groups and individual/family sessions. During the intense phase you will attend sessions 3 times a week. This will step down as you continue to heal. The primary groups are the DBT group and the Creative Arts group. These two groups help you learn coping skills to manage distress, stay in the moment, ride the wave of your urges, and express yourself in ways that promote new responses.

Anger Management – male/female

First and foremost we want to stress that feeling anger is okay!! However, how we react internally and externally to the feeling of anger is generally where we see challenges. Our anger management program is designed to help you gain the skills necessary to deal with your anger in healthy ways. You will also learn how to communicate effectively, improve interpersonal skills, and improve your relationship with yourself.

This group meets on Tuesday in Scottsdale or Thursday in Chandler.

Domestic Violence – male/female

Domestic Violence (DV) clients often come to us by way of the court. However, this is not the only way. You can also join this group to change your patterns so you don’t end up in court. Our program for men is the STOP program and our program for women is the Healthy Relationship program. Each of these looks at ways to change the patterns and provide new ways of handling conflict while still getting our real relationship needs met.

This group meets on Tuesday in Scottsdale or Thursday in Chandler.

LGBT in Today’s World- all gender identifications

We will help you sort through and distinguish gender vs sexuality and help you look at how you self identify. We work through the stereotypes of identification and the bias within the community. We will have process time to talk through any issues you need to work through.

This group is in Chandler on Wednesday evening.

New Beginnings: After the relationship ends

Divorce and relationship endings are tough on all of us. There is a process of grieving that we need to work through. There is life after the ending of a relationship but getting to the other side is not easy. Our program is designed to help you grief and help you grow. We will walk you through and gently nudge you as you work on creating a new life.

This group will meet on Friday evenings in Chandler.


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